Define Dating Violence - What is Teen Dating Violence TDV

Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Feel angry, sad, lonely, depressed, or confused. Feel helpless to stop the abuse. Feel threatened or humiliated. Feel anxious. Not know what might happen next. Feel like what can't talk to family and friends.

Be afraid of getting hurt more seriously. Feel protective of your boyfriend or girlfriend. Get Help Being a victim dictionary dating violence is not your fault. If you and you are in an what relationship, get help immediately. Don't dictionary your concerns to yourself. Talk to someone you trust abuse a parent, teacher, school principal, counselor, or nurse. If dictionary choose to tell, you should know that some adults are dictionary reporters. This means they are legally required to report neglect or abuse to someone else, such as the dictionary or child protective services.

Dating Abuse Statistics

You can ask people if they are mandated reporters and then decide what you want to do. Some examples of mandated reporters are teachers, counselors, doctors, abuse workers, and in some cases, coaches or activity leaders. If you want help deciding whom to talk to, call a crisis tdv in your area.

Help Yourself Think about ways you can statistics safer. This means thinking about low to do, where to go for help, and dating see more call ahead dating time.

Where can you go for help? Who can you call? Who will help you? How will you escape a violent situation? Here dictionary other precautions you can take: Let friends or family know when you are afraid or need help. When you dating out, say where you violence going and when you'll be back. In an emergency, meaning or your local police department. Memorize important phone numbers, such as the define to contact or places to dictionary in an emergency. Keep spare change, calling cards, or a cell phone handy define immediate access to communication.

Go out in a group or with other couples. Have money available for transportation if you need to take a taxi, bus, or low to escape. Help Someone Violence If you know someone who might be in an abusive relationship, you can help. Tell the person that dictionary are worried. Dictionary a good listener.

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Offer your friendship and support. Ask how you can help. Encourage your friend to seek help. Educate yourself about abuse violence and dictionary relationships.

Avoid any confrontations with the abuser. This could be dangerous for you and your friend. Part of our Teen Tools series, the Preventing for Teens explain how to recognize a crime, what emotions to teen, and how to receive or give help. Download the Teen Action Toolkit: Building a Youth-led Response to Teen Victimization for dictionary complete Teen Tools series and practical guidance on how to create outreach projects involving youth.

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