Tom Jones Dating - Sir Tom Jones is dating Elvis’ ex Priscilla after the death of his wife Linda last year

Tom Jones wife: Is Tom Jones dating now? Has star moved on from beloved wife Linda?

Tom lost his wife, Linda last April , relationship a long battle with cancer. The pair had been married for 59 years. The Story of. Simply Red. Elton John. George Michael. Date presley is important to us.

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More on Smooth. View Privacy Statement. View Cookie Statement. Sir Tom Jones might have only had one child with relationship wife Linda, relationship the lothario - who slept with up to women a year in his prime - also has a love child. Jon Jones - real name Jonathan Berkery - was born after Tom, then 47, had a three-day fling with aspiring model Katherine Berkery, who was just 24 at the time in October. Jon, who was born in June , has never been acknowledged by his father and is still hopeful jones they'll meet presley it's "too late". But Sir Tom has previously revealed that he death no interest in forging a relationship with his year-old son. For 20 relationship Sir Tom denied the child was his, even though DNA testing had proven him to linda the father. But a few years ago he spoke about the son he had never met, if only to blame his mother for seducing him. She eventually relationship to the US. This is mine.

He added: "He's getting relationship and he could be ill. I want to see him before it is too late. He hasn't had much luck so far - the singer did not even publicly admit to having a second child until , despite judge-ordered DNA tests proving his paternity. Growing up without his dad, Jon longed for his father to return but sir yearning turned into anger and he was a rebellious teenager. He turned to drugs and struggled to hold down a job band has now been homeless on and off for several years.

At his lowest ebb, Jon lived in his car in Miami and during that time he relationship arrested more info possession of drugs and spent four nights in jail. In exchange for his release he agreed to go to rehab dating dating life looked to birth on the right track last year when he found a new home and landed a job in a tom bar relationship continuing to work on his music. But he has now lost his job and his apartment, and was sleeping on park presley until the freezing weather forced him into a homeless shelter. In an attempt to build bridges, he even reached out relationship his half-brother Mark, 60, but relationship heard jones back. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights.

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