Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Wambrook, near Chard, Somerset is offering some sound advice for people looking to give an animal as a Christmas present.

Nikki Haddock, Animal Care Manager said: “We have all heard the mantra, ‘A dog is for life not just for Christmas’. It is repeated so often that one might think that the message surely must have sunk in.  Yet you can be sure that animal shelters the length and breadth of the UK will be thinking about preparing for the influx of unwanted animals of all kinds given as Christmas presents.”

All this fun and excitement can take its toll on staff at animal sanctuaries like Ferne. So imagine how a new pet, who may have recently been taken away from its mother and siblings and a familiar environment feels.

“Toilet training a young animal needs routine and eyes in the back of your head!  Feeding needs to be at regular times, training needs to be consistent and is more effective with few distractions.  There are also many tasty, festive treats which may get accidentally dropped or left within easy reach of your pet which may be harmful to them”, continued Nikki.

“If you are looking for a new addition to your family, maybe consider sponsorship of an animal as a Christmas gift and look at adoption once you are back into your usual routine and can give the time a new pet will need to settle into your home and lifestyle. This would be less stressful for the pet – and you!

“Everyone at Ferne Animal Sanctuary wishes all readers a Happy Christmas and would like to say a huge thank-you for the support we receive.  Without it, we simply would not be able to help those animals who need us.”

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