Life-saving defibrillator installed at Ferne

Life-saving defibrillator installed at Ferne

Ferne Animal Sanctuary now has a new HeartSafe automated external defibrillator (AED) on site thanks to a grant from the Big Lottery Fund. The unit, which is designed for simplicity of use to untrained members of the public, contains a portable electronic device that...
Ferne launches a ‘text donate’ service

Ferne launches a ‘text donate’ service

Today, we have launched a ‘text donate’ platform to enable quick and easy donations to be made to Ferne. We are launching the text donate service this evening on Facebook, where all donations made will help to fund our Rescue Dogs’ Appeal. To use the service you just...
How to help hedgehogs in your garden

How to help hedgehogs in your garden

Being Helpful to Hedgehogs Around 95% of British hedgehogs have been lost since the 1950’s, so they really need our help.  Here are some quick tips so that your garden can be helpful to hedgehogs Tip 1   Link your garden – make a hole in your fence or wall so...
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