Ferne’s Winter Newsletter – out now!
Lots of news, views, events and some top animal care tips in our packed @Ferne Winter issue of our newsletter. An opportunity to find out about some of our ‘happy ever after’ re-homing stories and find out what our amazing volunteers and fundraisers have...
Appeal to give Goosey Gander a safe place to wander
The harsh reality facing us once again this year is that if just one of the 200 birds in our care caught bird flu, all our birds would have to be put down. Last December, we were faced with this terrifying threat when bird flu swept across the country, spread by...
Sweet ending to a sour start for Toffee and Minty
In April, Ferne Animal Sanctuary was asked to rescue two very unwell horses from a badly managed livery yard. The four-year-old stallions had been confined to stables for three years and were severely malnourished, suffering from developmental problems, liver damage,...
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