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The animals here at Ferne have let us know that that they have all been very good this year and some of them have now finished their letters to Santa.

If you’d like to give a special present to;

Clover and his canine friends, Wolfe and his tortoise friends, Jet and his feline friends, Wendy and her farm friends, Ernie and his small furry friends, or Gordon and his equine friends you could have a look at the letters below and drop a parcel at one of the collection points;

Paddock Media, 1st Floor, Motivo House, Bluebell Road, Yeovil BA20 2FG
Take no Wrap. Yeovil’s Eco Store, 4 Ivel Square, The Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil, BA20 1EY


You click HERE to visit their Amazon Wishlist to order a gift to be delivered directly to the Sanctuary.

Thank you on behalf of all our lovely and very well behaved animals!