Abandoned on the streets, left to fend for themselves, poor Grace and Dolly were in a terrible state of neglect when Ferne rescued them, not a moment too soon.

An inseparable pair of adorable middle-aged female lurchers, whom we suspect may even be sisters, given how close they are to each other. They have obviously been through a tough time together and have a close bond, crying if separated. Therefore, we desperately want to find them a loving owner who can take them both to avoid them further trauma. Affectionate and adoring of human company, their only crime is being middle-aged, which sadly makes them less popular to re-home.

“We know nothing about their past, but we can see from when they came to us that they had very hard lives and quite obviously had suffered much neglect,” said Tara Nirula, Re-Homing Manager at Ferne. “Despite this, over time and with the patience and love of our amazing animal care staff, in testimony to their lovely characters, they have come to trust people and love human attention.”

Although it’s a big ask for someone to re-home two dogs, their closeness to one another means they are very content, gentle and affectionate and quite relaxed. However, they will need an understanding owner who has the patience and love to help them settle in their new surroundings to feel safe and secure. Ideally a home without cats or young children.

If you feel you could be the home with the love a dog long for, please have a look here for more information and contact with the Sanctuary 01460 65214.

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