When temperatures plummet it’s important to adjust how we care for animals to keep them safe and comfortable in the winter months. All dog and cat breeds can struggle with the onset of autumn and winter, with problems like exposure, grit and inadequate shelter being on the hit list of challenges for our furry friends.

During the winter months, we make several adjustments to our care plans to keep our residents safe and comfortable at the sanctuary. Within this blog we share some of the common cold-weather problems and practical tips to help keep cats and dogs comfortable when the temperatures plummet.

Welfare tips for keeping cats and dogs warm 

Cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia if left outside in low temperatures for too long; when the temperature drops in the winter months, it is important to create cozy spots indoors to house your pets comfortably for the wintry weather ahead.

It is advised to keep your cat inside when it is 7°C or below outside, particularly if you have a kitten, elderly, hairless or short-coat cat. The most sensitive areas for dogs during chilly weather are their paws, ears, and tails, so boots, paw balm or waterproof coats can be a great option when you are preparing for a winter walk. Owners of fine-haired breeds such as Greyhounds, Staffies, and small dog breeds as well as puppies and older dogs should be considerate that their pet will feel very cold, much quicker than long-haired, larger adult breeds.

With recent snowfalls, we will be experiencing icy roads with the likelihood of grit being used to de-ice the streets. Grit, often made from rock salt, can be extremely dangerous for dogs and cats, causing skin irritation, chemical burns on their paws and toxicity if consumed.

An additional risk lies in the increased use of chemicals such as antifreeze and spray de-icers containing ethylene glycol which can be fatally toxic to both species if digested.

Let’s face it, our winters are routinely becoming wetter for longer. While some breeds of dogs are absolutely designed for the cold, such as Huskies, Malamutes, and some guardian and shepherding breeds -we are now seeing more often, the prolonged wet and cold is becoming tougher for cats and dogs alike. Washing muddy paws after a walk can be crucial to avoiding some health conditions such as irritated, cracked, or chapped paw pads and chemical burns. The all-important coat for fine-haired dogs (if they have even agreed to join you for a walk in the rain) will help prevent them from getting a chill. A dog drying coat will help stop them from getting cold once they are home from a damp walk.

Keeping cats and dog safe in the winter

Top tips to keep paws and noses warm?

  • Provide a warm indoor bed away from drafts.
  • Limit outdoor time, especially in the extreme cold.
  • In the worst weather, consider enrichment activities to do around the house to keep your pet busy.
  • Rinse paws after walks to remove ice, salt, or chemicals and apply paw balm to protect them.
  • Consider coats or sweaters for dogs, particularly short-haired and smaller breeds.
  • Check under car bonnets, wheel arches and the floor underneath your vehicle before starting the engine, as cats may climb into warm engine bays or take shelter underneath your car.
  • Stay away from bodies of water on a walk.

When to seek help?

If you see a cat or dog with signs of frostbite, which is when the skin turns pale or blue-tinged, or hypothermia, which will include symptoms such as shivering, lethargy, or difficulty breathing, contact a vet immediately.

As humans, we share many commonalities with animals when it comes to being cold; we shiver, our skin changes colour to a bluish tone, we might tense to brace against the cold, and we become fatigued, tired, and lethargic during prolonged periods of exposure to winter weather. If you are not familiar with the animal you are seeking help for or recognise the mentioned symptoms in your pet, it is always better to seek veterinary help.

When supporting animals in your permanent care, you know them better than any professional; you know what is normal for their personality, how they behave and what their normal routine looks like. If you see any changes in their health or behaviour, a precautionary call to the vet is advised.

Otherwise, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping cats and dogs safe, warm, dry, and healthy through the colder months. By taking proactive steps, you can protect your pet/s from the dangers of winter weather. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and consult a vet if you see an animal who appears unhappy or unwell.

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