Mascot Mayhem 2020

Ten Mascots go head to head to compete for the title in the 2020 Mascot Mayhem Games! But who will YOU sponsor to WIN?

If your chosen sponsored mascot WINS the Championship then YOU will win prizes!

Over the next 6 weeks, the Ferne Animal Sanctuary Mascots will be competing against each other in 7 different challenges to secure their positions in the Mascot Mayhem Leaderboard!

The mascot with the most points after all 7 Challenges will be crowned the Mascot Mayhem Champion 2020!


Lets Meet The Mascots!… Watch the video below and choose your mascot!


Santa Paws is coming to Ferne

Santa Paws is coming to Ferne

Has your dog been good this year? We are very excited this year to welcome Santa Paws at the Sanctuary this year at our annual Craft Fair, who will be giving gifts to all visiting animals.  If you haven’t got a dog, you are also very welcome to bring your child… or...

Winter Warmer

Winter Warmer

All our latest news in our Winter issue of @Ferne. Some top tips from our Animal Care Team, delicious winter recipe from our chef and a round-up of news and events coming up over the Christmas period.  Time to sit down with a cuppa and enjoy our magazine!

A First for Ferne

A First for Ferne

We are delighted to announce that Ferne Animal Sanctuary will open its doors this week to its first Charity Shop in Devon on Saturday 28th September. Centrally located near the Boston Tea Party at 63 High Street in Honiton, the shop will have a special focus on...

Have a heart for Holly

Have a heart for Holly

Holly is a gorgeous German Shepherd X who is about to turn two this July.  More than anything else, her birthday wish is to have a forever home to feel safe and loved in, and an owner to call her own. Sadly, Holly has been at Ferne since October last year and has...

Grant Funding Enables Major Expansion for Ferne

Grant Funding Enables Major Expansion for Ferne

Thanks to the generosity of a substantial grant from the Montague-Panton Animal Welfare Trust, Ferne Animal Sanctuary has been able to purchase the farm adjacent to the Sanctuary. The farm will be named ‘The Montague-Panton Farm’ in recognition of the Trust’s...

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