Mascot Mayhem 2020

Ten Mascots go head to head to compete for the title in the 2020 Mascot Mayhem Games! But who will YOU sponsor to WIN?

If your chosen sponsored mascot WINS the Championship then YOU will win prizes!

Over the next 6 weeks, the Ferne Animal Sanctuary Mascots will be competing against each other in 7 different challenges to secure their positions in the Mascot Mayhem Leaderboard!

The mascot with the most points after all 7 Challenges will be crowned the Mascot Mayhem Champion 2020!


Lets Meet The Mascots!… Watch the video below and choose your mascot!


Avian Flu warning and symptons

Avian Flu warning and symptons

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Two dogs, one Christmas wish

Two dogs, one Christmas wish

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Sweet ending to a sour start for Toffee and Minty

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New Fundraising Pack Now Available

New Fundraising Pack Now Available

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