Have you got what it takes to capture what Ferne is all about in a fantastic photo?
We are looking for three photos that encapsulate the Sanctuary for our ‘Mug Shot’ competition running until December 15th. This could be a photo of a pet you have adopted from us, a snap taken on a recent visit to us or perhaps one of something else which reflects why Ferne is very special to you.
The competition is split into three categories, (14yrs and under, Amateur and Professional), with a winner chosen from each category.
The only guidelines are that the photo must have something to do with Ferne Animal Sanctuary and the image needs to be of high quality and resolution.
The deadline for entries is Friday December 15th 2017. The winners will be chosen by our judges and the new mugs will be available to purchase in our gift shop and charity shops in the New Year.
Please send your entry, along with your name, address and phone number to FRM@ferneanimalsanctuary.org.