A hamster at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

Small Furry Animals

The animals in this area are here for a variety of reasons. Some have suffered neglect; many are here as a result of being bought for children and the children then losing interest; sometimes the owners have developed an allergy to their pets, some are strays, some are here simply due to life taking an unexpected turn for their owners.

In this area, we have Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Chinchillas, Poultry and our Aviary.

This is a very public area so the spaces available to the animals are all big enough that if they get stressed by visitors or other animals passing by, they are free to tuck themselves out of the way. This is natural behaviour for little prey animals. Additionally, these little guys all have plenty of space and enrichment appropriate for their species. They have interesting little lives if you sit and watch them for a while. You are most likely to see them if you are quiet and patient. There is seating in this area to sit and relax and enjoy watching the animals going about their business to the soundtrack of the aviary birds.

These animals get daily grooming (those who need it), a weekly health check and a monthly weigh in (sometimes more if they are a little older especially in Winter).

One of the most common health issues for some of the animals in this section is dental abnormalities. Most frequently seen in some of the shorter faced breeds of Rabbit. If you look at the shape of a wild rabbits face, its very different to some of the Rabbits ‘we’ have selectively bred for ‘cuteness’ (similar to brachycephalic dog breeds).

Please be aware, if you are looking to see the Ferrets, they’re mostly active at dawn and dusk. They commonly spend around 18 hours a day sleeping! If you see any in their outdoor run (opposite the Geese), you are indeed honoured!

Can you help our resident animals?

At Ferne we have over three-hundred resident animals which need life-long care.

Your sponsorship means we can feed, look after and provide further enrichment for our much-loved residents.

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